Next, the game moves to Deponia, now an ice planet due to a nuclear winter, where an old Rufus, followed by the Fewlocks (a parody of the Morlocks from H.

Goal finishes her story but wonders what she would change if she were able to travel back in time and if these actions could lead to a better ending to her story. As a result, nobody is aware Rufus is the hero who saved Deponia. In an attempt to avoid the crash of Elysium onto Deponia, Rufus fell off of the spaceship and died. Things changed unexpectedly thanks to Rufus who convinced the Elders of Elysium that he lives on Deponia, thus confirming that the planet is inhabited. That is why they wanted to blow up the planet. During the following decades the Elysians forgot their own history and were sure Deponia was only a dumping ground where nobody lived anymore. One day they built a spaceship called Elysium and left. Buildings became higher and higher and technology improved. The settlement became a town, eventually graduating to a city. Her ancestors started a small settlement on Deponia. In the introduction, Goal briefly explains the history of Elysium. Furthermore, the game has some optional minigames. These items, combined or not, are used to solve puzzles and advance the story.

Rufus can startup conversations with other characters and put items in his inventory for later use.

The game follows the principles of a classic point-and-click adventure: the user controls Rufus as he travels across highly detailed backgrounds as the plot continues.